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A fix for !dailies in discord chats

To help the people who say daily in chat and don't understand where to go (believe me there are a lot- they just spam it and if it doesn't work they spam #bot !daily and give up after some time) create a role called @bot or something like @commands and give the people with that role the ability to only read and type in #bot chat. Make Notitiae give this role immediately to the person that tries a command in a chat that’s not #bot . Remove the role from them after 30 seconds. This will make them land in the #bot chat and they will try it there which will lead them further. Remove this role from them after a very short period like 15-30 seconds. Kinda like the mute system but shorter and for them to understand where the command stuff go and so they get sent to that chat instead of spamming #talk- will prevent spam as well. You could also possibly make the bot send a direct message to them as well explaining why and what.

This is a repost because the last time I sent it, it got ignored

and make the messages in multiple languages, so they can understand more easily.

Hi, thanks for your suggestion and sorry for not paying attention the last time. Your idea isn't bad and it might help a little bit, but I feel like the people who don't understand !daily after the bot tells them that it's only possible in the #bot channel are just not understanding English very well. And I don't want to develop and overly complex solution for this issue, because it's not a big problem. Sorry, but we won't spend much time on finding the perfect solution for this.

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