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How to play Smolder in League of Legends

Understanding Smolder’s Abilities

Passive: Infernal Charge

Effect: Smolder's basic attacks apply a burn effect, dealing bonus magic damage over time.Tip: Utilize basic attacks to apply this burn effect consistently during trades and in team fights.

Q: Flame Burst

Effect: Smolder shoots a burst of flames in a straight line, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit.Tip: Use this ability for poking in the lane and during team fights to hit multiple enemies.

W: Fire Shield

Effect: Smolder surrounds herself with a protective shield of fire, absorbing damage and dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.Tip: Use this ability when engaging in fights or when expecting burst damage from enemies.

E: Searing Dash

Effect: Smolder dashes forward, dealing magic damage to enemies she passes through and gaining bonus movement speed.Tip: This ability can be used for both engaging and escaping. Combine it with other abilities for maximum effect.

R: Inferno

Effect: Smolder unleashes a massive inferno, dealing heavy magic damage in an area and applying a burn effect.Tip: Use this ultimate ability in team fights to hit as many enemies as possible and turn the tide in your favor.Item BuildsCore Items

Luden's Tempest

Effect: Provides ability power, cooldown reduction, and a burst of magic damage on abilities hit.Tip: This is a great first item to boost Smolder’s burst damage and wave-clear.

Sorcerer's Shoes

Effect: Provides magic penetration and movement speed.Tip: Enhances your ability to deal damage, especially against targets with magic resist.


Effect: Grants ability power and health, and increases damage against enemies with shields.Tip: Useful for dealing with shield-heavy compositions.Situational Items

Zhonya's Hourglass

Effect: Provides ability power, armor, and an active stasis effect.Tip: Use the active to avoid burst damage or to buy time during fights.


Effect: Provides ability power, health, and Grievous Wounds to reduce healing.Tip: Essential against teams with significant healing.

Rabadon's Deathcap

Effect: Greatly increases ability power.Tip: Buy this when you want to maximize your damage output.

Void Staff

Effect: Provides ability power and magic penetration.Tip: Effective against enemies stacking magic resist.

Banshee's Veil

Effect: Provides ability power, magic resistance, and a spell shield.Tip: Useful for avoiding crowd control or burst magic damage.Rune ChoicesPrimary Rune Tree: Sorcery
Arcane Comet: Deals bonus damage with abilities.
Manaflow Band: Increases mana sustain.
Transcendence: Provides cooldown reduction.Scorch: Adds additional damage over time to your abilities.Secondary Rune Tree: Inspiration
Biscuit Delivery: Provides sustain in the laning phase. 
Time Warp Tonic: Enhances the effectiveness of potions and biscuits. Laning Phase
CS and Harass: Focus on last-hitting minions while using your Q: Flame Burst to harass your opponent. Try to hit both the minion wave and your opponent for maximum efficiency. 
Wave Management: Push the wave when necessary, but also know when to freeze the lane to deny your opponent farm and set up ganks.Mid to Late Game
Roaming: Utilize E: Searing Dash to roam and help other lanes. Coordinate with your jungler to secure kills and objectives. 
Objective Control: Use your abilities to clear waves and secure vision around objectives like dragons and Baron Nashor.Team Fights
Positioning: Stay at the backline and use Q: Flame Burst and R: Inferno to deal damage from a safe distance. Use W: Fire Shield to protect yourself when enemies dive into you. 
Focus Targets: Prioritize squishy targets like enemy ADCs and mages. Use your burst combo to eliminate them quickly. 
Ability Combo: In team fights, start with R: Inferno to apply a burn effect to multiple enemies, follow up with Q: Flame Burst, and use E: Searing Dash to reposition or chase down fleeing enemies. Use W: Fire Shield when engaging or when in danger.
General Tips
Practice: Spend time in practice mode to master your skill shots and combos.
Adaptability: Adjust your playstyle based on the game state. Be aggressive when ahead and more defensive when behind.
Communication: Communicate with your team about cooldowns, enemy positions, and objective status to coordinate effectively.

With these tips and item builds you’ll be well on your way to mastering Smolder in League of Legends. Good luck on the Rift!

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