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How to ply support in League of Legends

Playing the support role in League of Legends can be highly rewarding and impactful for your team. Here’s a detailed guide on tips, tricks, and item builds to help you excel as a support:

Understanding the Support Role

As a support, your primary responsibilities include:

Protecting and assisting your ADC (Attack Damage Carry).Providing vision control with wards.Initiating or disengaging fights.Offering utility through crowd control, healing, shielding, or buffing.Early Game: Laning Phase

Protect Your ADC

Stay close to your ADC to provide peel (protection) against enemy aggression. Use your abilities to harass the enemy bot lane while keeping your ADC safe.

Vision Control

Place wards in key areas like the river and tri-bush to prevent enemy jungle ganks. Use Control Wards to deny enemy vision.

Trading and Harassing

Trade effectively by using your abilities to poke the enemy while avoiding unnecessary damage. Coordinate with your ADC for all-ins when you have a clear advantage.


Look for opportunities to roam mid-lane or assist your jungler. Communicate with your ADC to ensure they are safe while you’re away from Late Game

Vision Control

Maintain vision around key objectives like dragons, Baron Nashor, and enemy jungle entrances. Use Control Wards to clear enemy wards and establish dominance over important areas.

Team Fights

Position yourself to protect your carries while using your crowd control abilities to disrupt the enemy team. Peel for your ADC by using your abilities to keep them alive and dealing damage.

Objective Control

Help your team secure objectives by providing vision and using your utility to keep enemies at bay. Item BuildsStarting Items
Relic Shield (for tank supports) or Spectral Sickle (for poke/utility supports)Provides gold generation and sustain in the lane. Health Potions: Sustain through the early trades.
Stealth Ward: For initial vision control
.Early ItemsBoots of Mobility: For enhanced roaming and map presence.
Sightstone: Essential for vision control, allowing you to place more wards.Core Items (Tank Supports
)Locket of the Iron Solari provides a shield for your team in team fights.
Knight’s VowReduces damage taken by your ADC and redirects a portion to you.
Zeke’s Convergence Increases your ADC’s damage when you engage.
Core Items (Poke/Utility Supports)
Ardent Censer increases attack speed and adds bonus damage to your heals and shields.
RedemptionProvides a team-wide heal and deals damage to enemies in a large area.
Mikael’s CrucibleRemoves crowd control effects from allies and provides healing.
Situational Items
Thornmail (against heavy AD/auto-attackers)
Abyssal Mask (against heavy AP compositions)
Shurelya’s Battlesong (for increased engage/disengage potential)Rune ChoicesTank Supports

Resolve Primary

Aftershock: Provides bonus resistances and AoE damage after immobilizing an enemy.Font of Life: Heals allies when they attack champions you’ve impaired.Bone Plating: Reduces damage from enemy abilities. Unflinching: Provides tenacity and slow resistance.

Inspiration Secondary

Biscuit Delivery: Provides sustain in the laning phase.Cosmic Insight: Reduces cooldowns for summoner spells and items.Poke/Utility Supports

Sorcery Primary

Summon Aery: Enhances your shielding and poke.
Manaflow Band: Increases mana sustain.
Transcendence: Provides cooldown reduction.
Scorch: Adds bonus damage on abilities.

Inspiration Secondary

Biscuit Delivery: Provides sustain in the laning phase.Cosmic Insight: Reduces cooldowns for summoner spells and items.Tips and Tricks

Communicate with Your ADC

Constantly communicate with your ADC about enemy movements, potential ganks, and engage/disengage opportunities.


Proper positioning is crucial. Stay within range to protect your ADC but avoid being caught out by enemy abilities.

Objective Awareness

Always be aware of the objective timers and positioning. Ensure your team has vision and control around these areas.


Be adaptable in your itemization and playstyle based on the state of the game and the enemy team composition.

Practice Warding

Learn optimal ward placements and timing to maximize vision control for your team.

By following these tips and item builds you’ll be well-equipped to excel in the support role and provide invaluable assistance to your team.

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